Let’s connect
Inner Game Coaching connects you to your intuition and innate wisdom
Understand where experience comes from
We’ve been conditioned to believe that how we feel is a result of things outside ourselves. A loss of revenue triggers anxiety. Our partner does something we don’t agree with and we feel disrespected. But what if experience doesn’t come from circumstance but rather from the thinking or meaning we put on it?
Become discouragement proof
When capable and committed people get stuck it’s usually not due to a lack of technical skill or outer game expertise. That’s because when we’re worried about a problem, it’s often the worry itself that craters our ability to see something new and find a solution. What if we could have insecure thoughts, without them having us?
Lead from possibility vs. reactivity
Leadership is when people feel less fearful and more full of possibility in your presence. And what if helping people feel less anxious, or concerned, and more open, creative and optimistic — simply requires seeing worse-case-scenario thinking as what it is: an unhelpful survival instinct vs. objective truth to be acted upon?
if you’re up for a chat…
Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
— Viktor Frankl